While money is often mistaken as the best motivator in organizations; studies have shown that non-financial incentives motivate employees way better than money.

Workload and management policies have only gotten stringent, with high employee turnover rates in almost all sectors.

Despite sky-high salaries, successful employees are still leaving their jobs, citing lack of conducive environments and work-life balance as the reason.

Read Also: 13 Ways To Motivate Your Team Members for Better Performance

If you are in management, looking to stem this tide, here are a few tips to be kept in mind in this regard. They are highly effective and easy to implement, without having to blow your budget wide open:

1. Appreciate employee’s work

Management often makes the mistake of not acknowledging productivity. Ensure that you nip this issue in the bud by publicly congratulating him on his efficiency. Awards like ‘Employee Of The Month’ go a long way in motivating staff to achieve more.

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An atmosphere where you make your employees feel valued and appreciated is far more productive. It cements his resolve to take on more work and make a name for himself.

Timely assessments of employee performance cheering the top performers would make an impression throughout the staff.

You can motivate low performing employees to strive harder and reach the level of their successful peers in this manner. Commend them when this happens and let the domino effect happen. 

2. Promotions

Reward best performing employees with promotions. This is a tremendous boost for employees as they will have goals and positions set in order. A well-planned hierarchy in the organization, where employees are assured of being promoted when they perform well.

You may award promotions based on annual reviews. When employees have done an excellent job which were of enormous benefit to the company, amid year promotion can also be considered for them.

This would show the staff that you are always on the lookout for high-performance stars and motivate them ahead.

3. Job Security

Nothing motivates an employee like knowing that his job cannot be taken away at a whim. Providing him with job security would enhance his standing and respect in the organization.

It would also make him feel valued and integral to the company’s performance. You will find such an employee ready to take personal responsibility for operations under his control.

Let them know that the management is always ready to support him, no matter what. With such an adequate support system in place, your employees are less likely to switch companies, since they would find this work culture highly appealing and irreplaceable.

4. Maintain Relationships

If you can maintain a personal relationship with an employee, you’re doing better than 90% of typical management staff. Often overlooked, this doesn’t even have to be time-consuming.

An occasional chat about family, finances, kids, friends, sports et cetera that is personal in nature would make the employee feel close to the management.

Take them out for dinner and stay informal outside office proceedings. Offer career guidance and help when they need it. See to it that your employees feel safe enough to approach you on any issue without hesitation.

You could be an extraordinary manager, with well-satisfied employees if you ardently follow this tip.

5. Community Activities

Events like picnics, visits to tourist places, charitable deeds done together with employees can make them feel important to the organization.  Try taking employees out as often as possible for new experiences.

Such moments can be terrific for bonding and improving relations between employees and managers.

Organize activities for the whole staff, like taking them for a sports game or a trip for the weekend. In the office, ensure recreational rooms where staff can relax and bond with others. You should provide facilities for indoor and outdoor games.

There could also be clubs for skill enhancement formed by employees. Set aside a time period, like Friday or Saturday afternoons, where they are allowed to engage in these activities in office.

Once an employee is comfortable with all members and the friendly atmosphere, he will choose to stay put in the same office, even if there are better opportunities outside the firm. Proper company culture can be a huge factor in reducing employee turnover.

6. Reward high performers with flexible schedules

Achieving a Work-Life balance has become something of a myth in the 21st century. With several high performers burning out, ensure your staff does not fall prey to this disease.

Reward the best employees with time off. Allow them to prepare their schedules and deadlines. Don’t micromanage them as this can kill off their zeal and enthusiasm.

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It would be best if you granted several incentives for high achievers such as the freedom to choose their own responsibilities, subject to approval, etc. Also, try to help them select and set out on their own paths that would benefit the company as well.

On seeing this, even low performers would be enthused, and they will be full of passion for reaching the same level and accessing the same freedoms.

7. Competitive Environments

High achievers are known to dull down in the lack of a stimulating work environment. Make a note of your office’s top performers and enquire if they would like additional responsibilities.

Ensure they are clubbed together for the most daunting tasks and provide them with sufficient challenges. It is a great way to boost office productivity as well as keep your office gems satisfied with their jobs.

If you create an exclusive circle of high achievers, naturally other employees would be curious as well. They would be motivated by a desire to join this elite group of high achievers. This would be beneficial for both the company and the employee.

8. Take one-on-one meetings

Once a month, sit down with your employees and interview them about their jobs. Ask them questions about their work, their satisfaction levels, whether they would like more challenges, whether they have any opinions on the current system, know their grievances and if anything could be done to enhance their experience.

Ensure that you gain as much knowledge as possible and note down relevant insights. Resolve any apprehensions they may have and provide assurance that the company has their back. This will win you loyal and trustworthy employees in the long run.

9.Suggestion System

Use an efficient suggestion system, like a public box where employees can drop off any remarks, preferably anonymously. Go through each remark in detail and take their feedback seriously.

Applaud helpful suggestions in public and implement them. This would increase feedback rates, and soon, you will find a whole new list of problems that you had no idea about before. Honest and direct feedback from employees can be utilized to improve efficiency.

During meetings, you should encourage employees to provide their insights into projects. This would give them a role in the decision-making process, following which, they will be much more motivated to work on the project as it was their plan too.

10. Provide a proper path for career growth

Most employees grow disillusioned when their career begins to stagnate. You must take well-planned steps to prevent it. This would inform the employees their important targets, on the accomplishment of which, they will be able to advance further.

We have often seen this strategy to work wonders, with employee efficiency levels rising, post-implementation.

Once employees know where they stand and the path to take to advance, they will not hesitate to improve the quality of their work.

11. Group incentives

Dealing with non-performers and bad team players can be quite daunting. To solve this issue, provide only group incentives. The group size must remain small though, with all members knowing each other well.

Such an environment, where employees are accountable to their groups as well, would boost morale and enhance team spirit.

Dividing staff into teams would also increase a sense of competitiveness. It would energize the teams to work harder and be the best in office, much like we see in sports. The best team could be provided several benefits like special privileges.

You can also make a note of effective team leaders, who can be considered for leadership positions in the company. Members of the winning team can also be put on the fast track list for promotions.

Bright stars in failed teams can be identified and appropriately nurtured since competition tends to bring out the best in everyone.

The usual bottlenecks can be successfully removed since everybody would be eager to finish off their tasks and gain as a one, stable and prosperous group.

12. Constructive criticism

It is crucial not to criticize your employees outright when they don’t perform well. Instead, speak to them privately and understand their needs. Help them out with any troubles they’re facing and provide skill training in case they need it.

Take steps to show them how they can improve their work and be patient during the process. Everybody picks up at their speed, and there can be instances where even top performers can be brought down to their knees.

In all such cases, get to the roots of the problem and provide helpful, constructive criticism where required.

Read Also: How to Improve Employee Attendance at Work

An employee would be willing to own up to his faults and improve his work if nudged along the right path properly.


Implementation of these steps would boost morale among your employees significantly. Money doesn’t buy everything; sometimes, it’s the experience and atmosphere you provide that compels employees to work better.

Ensure a great work environment where they feel valued and are genuinely happy, and watch your office productivity rates top the charts.